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Information om Reklamní materiály


Länken lades upp den 22 juli 2013.

Kategoriserad i: Datorer & Internet / Bloggannonsering

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Reklamní materiály

Reklamní materiály - http://www.reklama-noex.cz


In the modern factory floor workstations are more than 20-hundred new generation of injection molding machines Battenfeld. All equipment is new equipment, from the years 2006 - 2009, control systems and Unilog b4 b6, clamping force from 35 to 350T and shot weight of 1 kg. Modular design, very rich optional accessories, highest precision work and optimum dimensions make Battenfeld injection molding machine can be applied to any type of production and raw materials. The machine parts are installed robots Unirob -'s Batenfeld and robots and manipulators of Wittman with restricted access zones. Production on most machines using robots significantly increases productivity and efficiency.

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