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Information om Looking for affordable accomodation in Oslo ?


Länken lades upp den 15 januari 2013.

Kategoriserad i: Resor & turism / Utomlands / Bostad

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Looking for affordable accomodation in Oslo ?

Looking for affordable accomodation in Oslo ? - http://cheap-rooms-and-apartments-for-rent-in-oslo.fastweb.no


Cheaper than a hotel, way more comfortable.

Modern and stylish rooms and apartments in the city centre of Oslo for rent. Fully equipped and furnished with everything you need.

Knowing that accomodation in Oslo is expensive, we aim to keep our prices lower than the price you would pay in a hotel or hostel in the same area. Perfect for shorter stays in Oslo.

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Adress & vägbeskrivning

Adress: Platous gate 31, 0190 Oslo


Telefon: 4795926262 (OBS: Förbjudet att ringa upp i reklamsyften och dylikt)
E-post: http://cheap-rooms-and-apartments-for-rent-in-oslo.fastweb.no/contact_116.html

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