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Information om Grand Canyon Helicopter


Länken lades upp den 4 maj 2013.

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Grand Canyon Helicopter

Grand Canyon Helicopter - http://www.grandcanyonhelicoptertours.co.uk


Grand Canyon är ett av de bästa ställena man kan besöka! Här finns allt. bästa är att se det från luften med en helicopter. Då får du njuta av ett magiskt landskap!

We help you find the best helicopter tours to Grand Canyon from Las Vegas. A helicopter tour is the most popular way to get there from las vegas. There are other good ways see this natural wonder.

The Grand Canyon is an eroded desert landscape in northwestern Arizona, USA. Grand Canyon National Park since 1979 with the UNESCO World Heritage list. The Colorado River has dug down into the bedrock for a long time and formed the world's largest canyon. It is approximately 446 km long, 0.4 to 24 kilometers wide and up to 1.6 km deep. Grand Canyon called the world's largest and oldest history book, because it contains so many old rocks. The upper layer is composed of the youngest rock, which is a limestone and which are 250 million years. The limestone layer is more older rocks. In the rocks, one can find many fossils.

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